Out of the blue...
Just as my title suggest, suddenly feel so tired but the urge to blog. Argh... it seems that I have many things weighing on my mind but yet I find it hard to pen down. Probably it is hovering in my brain but not clear enough to be express in words.Since the beginning of Jan, I have told myself it will be a different year this time round! This is because as compared to previous years, I have came up with resolution this year and I am persistent to achieve my goals! Last year was considered a fruitful one as I have many accomplishments in my life. I enjoyed and worked hard last year and so I was rewarded with a fair bonus and make new friends! haha... my very first bonus for the past 2 years! =)
As for this year, my resolutions consist of a wider coverage beside work. Hmm... of course work still comes as high priority, health is on par and so are my family & friends! This year I had joined another company though I did have the intention to stay on at my previous work place but $$ is always a tempting factor! haha... nobody will ever think $ is enough! At my new place, it was kinda directionless and lost at times but slowly I pick up the pieces and try my best! Also the people seem hostile at first but slowly everyone looks quite ok. No matter how tough it is going to be, I am determined to perform at my best in every single task to impress and most important gained the satisfaction! The achievements & accomplishments that I have derived from work is the only motivation that keeps me going!! I had read a book last month regarding about the different perspective of men & women at work and it talks about what women need to know in order to play like a man & win like a woman! I totally agree that a work place is forever a work place & a colleague is forever one, it will never upgrade to friend cause if that happens, conflicts will surely arise and its time you say sayonara again! Hence, this time round, I practise what was in the book!
Health, a vital concern this year! I have fallen sick for the entire jan, was down with flu, toothache (though might not be health related), follow by infections. The last was the worst as I was on mc for 3 days that set my first record!! I recalled that I have only fallen ill twice last year and was not so serious as compared to this time whereby I was down with fever and keep vomiting and its such an awful feeling! Totally SICK man!! I feel like as if I am half dead!! Since then I told myself, I need to build up my resistance against the virus!! The so call benefit was to lose weight but definitely I had gained back cause I couldnt miss the yummy food that is within my reach! haha.. my office is located almost at the central to all the delicious food center!! haha...
The lists goes on and on... amoy, maxwell, tanjong pagar mkt... If you have work in that vicinity before, you will be familiar with the top selling food and long queues during lunch hour!!
Family, hmm... preparing for a trip this year just as usual. We have sort of decide on korea but not so soon as I have just kick start my career and really hope to fully concentrate and settle down first. Thus, we are still in the process of discussing and fixing the auspicious date whereby all of us can make it!! Yeah, also I hope to spend more time as compared to last time and thus, weekend is usually a family day for me! Been to shopping, authentic korea food at bkt timah area and also went chinatown with my family! Its great to be able to go out even though we are adults cause its kinda rare to see kids going out with their parents not to mention adults like us! haha...
Also, was chatting with a friend that time and he made me realized how fortunate I am to be so close with my family!
So what about friends? Well, hope to expand my social circles and this time round I went speed dating! haha... Couldnt really remember was it last year dec or this year jan but a different experience! It all started with my buddy, angel who was starting up this speed dating events with her friends and of course I am her die hard supporters! Thus, I volunteer myself and also take it as a chance to get to know more people. I realize in this world there are really various kind of people! It was raining cats & dogs that day! haha.. but we manage to find the isolated coffee house and kinda settle down at a row of long tables & seats. Since its suppose to be a friend making session, we are seated in alternate with ladies & gentlemen. Lucky for me the guy infront of me is kinda friendly and we clicked! So we started talking while eating our cakes & drinks. Then comes the 5 mins speed dating, core activity of the day whereby ladies were seated in a row and guys all number to seat infront of each lady and shift clockwise every 5 mins! haha.. its kinda fun as the 5 mins is torture if the guy is boring/irritating & too short if the guy and you does clicks! Definitely, in summary there were a disgusting & irritating guy who pestered me & my frenz to dinner and that really scared us off! We ran away with the help of my friend who is the organizer! haha...
Supposingly during the 5 mins, we are supposed to comments & take note of interested parties but I was totally sitting there and chatting! haha... after the session ended, we have the choice to opt for more than 1 guy to keep in touch. Initially, I did not tick any but then I thought of the only 2 guys who are normal to me and can click! Well, I am not saying the rest are abnormal but definitely not my type of frenz! So after the event, what the organizers did was to compile the result and informed us of our mutual match and its up to us to keep in touch! Well surprisingly, I have 2 mutual matches and they did drop me a mail so we started chatting through msn. Hmm.. my buddy the organizer keeps asking me how I feel about them especially one of them is her friend who she intend to introduce to me last time but never got the chance! haa.. Well, frankly speaking, I can only say no such chemistry, definitely need to be friends first.
Yesterday met the other guy for dinner arranged by angel. Though she didnt say it, its so obvious she is trying to create opportunities for us to interact. Weirdly, this guy doesnt exchange no. with me like the other. Guess he prefers privacy and also he seems secretive to me and my first impression of him was he is reserved and quiet. However, I find him quite alright and chatty yest and that could be because my fren is there and he feels more comfortable! Anyway, I heard from my friend he is very careful cause he is searching for a life partner and that makes me wonder even if we only have the fate to be friends, so be it. Let nature takes it course, dont have to be so strict on oneself! haha...
Talking about commitment, I realized I do get frighten if someone tells me I am his life partner! Probably, I still do not feel like settling down but been to 2 weddings last year and I do envy my frenz! haha... Well, its not easy to find a life partner as compared to a boyfriend. Recently, the other friend of mine who has been participating been asking what are the criterias I looking for in a life partner! Actually, its a tough question man! I really have no idea though usually we do dream of our ideal partners but when facing reality, I am dumbfounded!