It has been quite some time since I did any posting. I have been busy at work, learning new things and adapting to the working environment. It has been fun working at my current place as my colleagues are a bunch of fun and lovely friends to have! We just went bowling on monday and I truly enjoyed myself. We were so daring as to go shopping at suntec G2000 during lunch hour lead by our da jie da! haha.. :D However, I came to realize that it maynot be suitable for me and I think I should be moving forward and not remain stagnant! I feel that I am still young and I should be facing new and bigger challenges now instead at a later stage of my life! There are objectives in my life that I should try to align to and achieve my goals. Hmm..it actually strucked me when one of my colleagues thought of resigning after years working there and realized that her current skill sets will not get her anywhere. There are any organization I know of that required those primitive language. It was at this time that my sis chanced upon an opportunity in her organization for me. I went for an interview yesterday but the interviewer forgot her java test script and hence, I went over today evening just to take the test. I had passed the interview and was offered the job! I am delighted and looking forward to it! :D
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